IAAAM Member Code of Conduct Statement

The International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM) exists to advance the art and science of aquatic animal medicine and health and promote the free exchange of knowledge. Each of our members is a citizen of the science and healthcare community. Each shares responsibility for the welfare of this community and our organization. Science and animal health are best advanced when there is mutual trust, based upon honest behavior, throughout the community. The IAAAM deeply values our members and their professional reputations and holds preserving the confidence of our members as critically important so that they may freely discuss the results of their professional work, trust that their fellow members will not divulge inappropriate information, and openly interact with colleagues without fear of malicious exposure. Deception, or any other acts that deliberately compromise the advancement of our profession and our mission, are unacceptable. Any member of the IAAAM found to violate that trust, as reviewed by the IAAAM Executive Board, may have their membership permanently revoked, prohibiting their access to member benefits including professional meetings and conferences.

Membership Benefits

Benefits of membership include receiving the IAAAM newsletter published four times a year, the annual conference proceedings, a membership directory, and discounted registration at the annual conference. Full members, life members, and honorary life members may vote and hold office in the association.

Memberships begin on January 1st and are active until December 31st of a given year. Dues are collected beginning November 1st of a proceeding year and must be paid by March 1st to qualify for discounted conference rates. 

Membership Categories

FULL MEMBERSHIP: Persons contributing to the advancement of or devoting a portion of their professional activities to aquatic animal medicine practice, research, teaching, or management. ($125/year) 

STUDENT MEMBERSHIPStudent Membership is open to all full-time undergraduate, graduate, veterinary, and post-doctoral students enrolled in formal programs at academic and comparable institutions and individuals enrolled in full-time formal internships and residencies. ($75/year)

SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIPIndividuals, institutions, or associations which make significant financial contributions($250 or more) to support the IAAAM. (Contact the IAAAM Secretary or Treasurer for additional information)

LIFE MEMBERSHIP: Upon professional retirement, full members in good standing for a minimum of 10 consecutive years of active membership may be afforded life membership by the Executive Committee upon petition by the member.

Applying for New Memberships

  1. Fill out a Membership Application online at http://www.iaaam.org/iaaam-membership-form. You will be asked to agree to follow the IAAAM Member Code of Conduct before your application is accepted.

  2. Pay Dues online at https://www.iaaam.org/2025-annual-membership. If you need to send a check or money order, please contact us for details (membership@iaaam.org)

  3. For Full Membership only, send a Curriculum vitae or Resume to the Membership Chair at membership@iaaam.org.

  4. Send confirmation of IAAAM sponsorship or student status to the Membership Chair:

    • FOR FULL MEMBERSHIP: Please have your IAAAM sponsor email membership@iaaam.org agreeing to serve as your IAAAM sponsor. The sponsor must be a current full member of IAAAM.

    • FOR STUDENT MEMBERSHIP: Please have your academic adviser email membership@iaaam.org to verify your student status.

  5. Your application will be reviewed by members of the IAAAM Board and if approved, you will be notified by email and provided information on accessing member benefits.