Jay D. Hyman, DVM, passed away August 1, 2017. He was a beloved son, father, brother, husband and generous philanthropist. He endowed a chair for Wildlife Health at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, supported and helped curate exhibits at Cornell's Johnson Museum of Art. He was a founding member of the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine and the major initial donor for the IAAAM Medway Award. He supported the Touch the Jungle/Earthways Foundation, and the Cornell Esbaran Field Laboratory. He founded the Society for the Advancement of Latin American Arts and supported the Palm Beach Zoo as well as many other charities. He was a member of the Explorers Club. He showed us all how to conquer adversity. He will be remembered for his courage, dedication, adventurous spirit and love of life.

Published in The New York Times on Aug. 13, 2017
